Okay, I don’t have time to post
my blog real-time so let’s just pretend that I posted this yesterday.
I’m excited to finish this day’s
duty because tomorrow, September 6, is my day off. As you all know, my rest day
is the most precious day for me, and of course, for everyone because it only
comes once in a blue moon. Well, not literally once. It’s like finding a pearl
in a small clam, or a diamond in the dust, or however you might interpret
something that happens rarely. Rest days comes after six or seven days, or
worse, eight days, which I’ll be having next week. Even if I’m feeling very
sick with this cold that I’m having accompanied with allergic rhinitis and dry
cough, I dragged my feet to go to work.
I need to go early to the bank today
to deposit money. The sky is turning gray, showing impending signs of rain. I
feel deaf. I don’t have my skirt in the conveyor. My mucus keeps on wanting to
escape my huge nostrils, and little mosquitoes inside my nose tickle its
linings. I tapped my ID to the scheduler machine, and to add up to the list of
worse scenarios in my life, I’m on a very dangerous game.
Today, I was assigned on a very
sensitive matter. The machine. Once you go wrong, all the bosses will go down
the floor, and you’re screwed up, worse, your career will be over. There is no
room for mistake in the machine. Once you pressed the button, the mass get
I struggled for the first hour,
waited for my reliever, and then went straight to the clinic. Of course, stupid
doctor of our clinic won’t let me home with just some stupid colds and
rhinitis. He’s so damned strict! I hate the clinic! The white lines of it, the
smell, the stupid particular doctor of this shift, expect for the cute nurse
who asked me why I was blooming. What do you think I am? A flower? They want me
to take antihistamine! Damn! You all know what that means right? Dizziness and
sleepiness. Why would I take it? I was trying to be reasonable here! The doctor
wants me to take it, but the nurse is quite against it. Yeah right, we have the
same idea. I refused to take it. I want to work wide awake, not half brain
dead! I have a good night sleep, then what would that be for?
After I took the medication for
the colds, (no didn't take the antihistamine), I went back to my manager and
asked her if she could transfer me to a nonsmoking area or elsewhere, (I was
thinking shuffle room, since I don’t feel like doing anything). Ma’am Imelda
was very nice to have put me in the shuffle room.
I badly want to go home, just lie
down in my bed, have a cup of hot cappuccino on my bedside table. I applied for
early out today before my shirt started. So every time the phone rings, I look
straight to the manager, expecting. Half nervous and half excited, only to find
out, no, it isn't about me. I look like a dog seeing a bone and suddenly it was
gone away from me, with that, I pity myself.
Time passed. 630 PM. Still there
was no signs. I took my second break.
Then when I come back, still
expecting, the nothing. I waited till 8. Maybe they will let me out by then,
because new staffs will be starting their shift at this hour. Still no.
9PM, still hoping.
10PM, I stopped expecting.
After eight hours of what feels
like a hundred years inside that incubator, five minutes before 11PM, we were
dismissed. Not bad.
And I swore never to go to work
when I feel sick. I will never drag myself again!
im glad you made it afterall.. :)) good job!
TumugonBurahinwe both made it! lol