It’s March 3, 2012, at exactly 10:34 PM.
Not much to do, just watching youtube videos of my favorite girl group SNSD,
until it came to my mind that I’d be turning 23 this year and I haven’t done so
much in my life yet. I didn’t have great accomplishments aside from graduating
college and learning other language. I promised myself that I should be stable
at the age of 25, which I think I have to delay a little bit (hehe ^_^). I wrote this blog for me to look into when I
get there when I feel like giving up or feel like I’m losing track of my dreams
and goals. Remember Aiko, you are nothing now! Without much perseverance and
focus, you won’t reach your goal; and you know what I mean. And before I
published this blog, I went to Mass on Sunday afternoon and the priest was
giving a lesson about challenges in life, and giving examples such as singers
who reach the top. I was like, “Oh my goodness, that’s for me! The message was
exactly for me!” The priest said that we have to accept the challenges that
will come our way in order to reach our goals. I agree that you can’t reach the
top of the mountain unless you make your first step. If you’re too scared to do
it, then you have to realize that you have to do it. Since flying is easy, and
it will bring you wherever you want fast, God didn’t give us this skill because
we will never learn to take one step at a time in reaching our dreams. I always
lose focus when I’m on the way because I tend to forget what I really want in
life and there are a lot of things that’s going on with my life right now. So
another tip is to never lose focus; always remind yourself of the thing that
you really want and you’ll be successful whatever happens. There may be storms
or avalanche that will stop you for a moment, when that comes, you have to rest
for a bit, take it easy, and when everything seems to be fine, go on and move
I hope this bog will help not just me, but
also some people who needs focus and inspiration.
Cheers, -Aiko-
thank's for this post., i believe that we'll be there soon, with hardwork + patience and in God's time., in God's help and with our never ever ending faith in Him.:)
TumugonBurahinThat's right... We just have to work hard to find where we belong... :)